- 2020 Wandering Aengus Book Award
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- Wandering Aengus Book Award Fee
Wandering Aengus Book Award Fee
The 2020 Wandering Aengus Book Award will publish up to three books in Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry (including hybrid works). To enter, pay the contest entry fee, then email your manuscript as a PDF or Word document to [email protected].
Please format your subject line like this:
If the manuscript is a hybrid, please list the primary genre, then hybrid, like this:
ON THE EDGE/NonfictionHybrid/Paruti
There are no word or page limits. We trust you to know what you want to say and how many pages/words you need to say it. Deadline is August 31. The sooner you send in your manuscript, the more time our editors will have to spend with it, so for your own sake, please send it sooner rather than later.