Wandering Aengus & Trail to Table Book AwardS
To make things easier for submitting authors, the editors at Wandering Aengus Press and its imprint, Trail to Table Press, have decided to combine submissions. All manuscripts received during our submissions period from December 1 to January 31 will be considered for both the Wandering Aengus and Trail to Table Book Awards. We seek literary works in Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry, and will publish up to two winners for both the Wandering Aengus Book Awards and Trail to Table Book Awards for a total of two to four winners.
Wandering Aengus Press and its imprint Trail to Table Press are dedicated to publishing works to enrich lives and make the world a better place. Although both publish fine literary works in poetry and prose, the Trail to Table imprint publishes works that highlight our connections to nature and each other. Winners receive publication and fifty copies of their book.
Wandering Aengus Press and its imprint Trail to Table Press are dedicated to publishing works to enrich lives and make the world a better place. Although both publish fine literary works in poetry and prose, the Trail to Table imprint publishes works that highlight our connections to nature and each other. Winners receive publication and fifty copies of their book.
Submission Guidelines
Contest submissions are open December 1 to January 31 via Duosuma.
Please follow these guidelines for all manuscripts.
1. Remove all identifying information from your manuscript.
2. Submit your manuscript in Word or PDF format.
3. Although we don't have word or page limits, we seek full-length manuscripts of literary fiction, nonfiction, or poetry.
4. DO NOT SUBMIT MANUSCRIPTS THAT ARE NOT YOUR ORIGINAL WORK OR WERE COMPOSED IN ANY WAY BY AI. We do not publish works that have plagiarized others or used Artificial Intelligence in their composition.
5. Use a standard 12-point serif typeface, such as Times New Roman or Garamond. Double-space prose submissions.
6. Do not submit manuscripts with gratuitous sex or violence. There are other presses that are better suited for those works.
7. Number your pages.
8. Include a table of contents for collections of poetry, essays, or short fiction, or prose works with multiple sections or chapters.
9. Do not include acknowledgments within the manuscript. If your book is selected, you will have an opportunity to add that later.
Please address questions to info@trailtotable.net.
Please follow these guidelines for all manuscripts.
1. Remove all identifying information from your manuscript.
2. Submit your manuscript in Word or PDF format.
3. Although we don't have word or page limits, we seek full-length manuscripts of literary fiction, nonfiction, or poetry.
4. DO NOT SUBMIT MANUSCRIPTS THAT ARE NOT YOUR ORIGINAL WORK OR WERE COMPOSED IN ANY WAY BY AI. We do not publish works that have plagiarized others or used Artificial Intelligence in their composition.
5. Use a standard 12-point serif typeface, such as Times New Roman or Garamond. Double-space prose submissions.
6. Do not submit manuscripts with gratuitous sex or violence. There are other presses that are better suited for those works.
7. Number your pages.
8. Include a table of contents for collections of poetry, essays, or short fiction, or prose works with multiple sections or chapters.
9. Do not include acknowledgments within the manuscript. If your book is selected, you will have an opportunity to add that later.
Please address questions to info@trailtotable.net.
Winners of the 2023 awards include (in alphabetical order by last name):
Barret Baumgart
L. Annette Binder
Majda Gama
We look forward to sharing their books with you.
2023 Finalists include:
Mary Block
Sarah Carey
Clayton Adam Clark
Elizabeth J. Coleman
Eric le Fatte
Justine Feron
Cate McGowan
Joannie Stangeland
Amy A. Whitcomb
Amelia L. Williams
We encourage you to click on the links and learn more about these fine writers, too.
Previous Winners:
Marcia Aldrich, Studio of the Voice (essays)
Lucy Ferriss: Meditations for a New Century (essays)
Steven Harvey: The Beloved Republic (essays)
Amanda Hawkins, When I Say the Bones, I Mean the Bones (poetry)
Christopher Martin: Firmament (poetry)
Kevin Miller: Vanish (poetry)
Michael Schmeltzer: Empire of Surrender (poetry)
Alina Stefanescu: dôr (poetry)
Tarn Wilson: In Praise of Inadequate Gifts (memoir in essays)
Barret Baumgart
L. Annette Binder
Majda Gama
We look forward to sharing their books with you.
2023 Finalists include:
Mary Block
Sarah Carey
Clayton Adam Clark
Elizabeth J. Coleman
Eric le Fatte
Justine Feron
Cate McGowan
Joannie Stangeland
Amy A. Whitcomb
Amelia L. Williams
We encourage you to click on the links and learn more about these fine writers, too.
Previous Winners:
Marcia Aldrich, Studio of the Voice (essays)
Lucy Ferriss: Meditations for a New Century (essays)
Steven Harvey: The Beloved Republic (essays)
Amanda Hawkins, When I Say the Bones, I Mean the Bones (poetry)
Christopher Martin: Firmament (poetry)
Kevin Miller: Vanish (poetry)
Michael Schmeltzer: Empire of Surrender (poetry)
Alina Stefanescu: dôr (poetry)
Tarn Wilson: In Praise of Inadequate Gifts (memoir in essays)
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